QuestCom Completes UCF Grounding Upgrade Project – Orlando, Florida
February 26, 2021Damon Simon Earns Master Electrician Designation – Florida
February 26, 2021The QuestCom Group, Inc. is proud to announce the certification for the engineering and installation of BDA systems.
QuestCom will engineer and provide installation services for the new Honeywell, code-compliant Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) that boosts first responders’ signals. Honeywell’s BDA solution is the first and only all-inclusive, fully integrated system on the market that not only meets but exceeds NFPA/IFC specifications and UL standards. Reliable radio coverage is essential for first responders during emergencies, however, 56 percent of fire departments have experienced a communications failure within a building during an emergency incident within the last two years. Honeywell’s BDA solution offers a code compliant UL listed product that boosts signals to provide more reliable in-building coverage in mission-critical situations.